Women’s Ministry

The Women’s Ministry of the church provides a support system and encouragement for the women of Alaska Baptist.  It is a ministry that is authentic, creative and spiritually cultivating.  Join us for a variety of activities - for all ages and stages of life - as we grow closer to the Lord Jesus and to one another.

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Coed Softball Team

Signups Occurring Now !

Contact Jason Forward or the church office with any questions.

Bunco Night

Friday, March 28 @ 6:30pm

Ladies, it's time again for our next opportunity to gather for a night of fun, playing Cubes Bunco!  As always, there will be friendly competition (which will involve prizes Gifts) as we enjoy a time of fellowship.  Signup at the Welcome Center if you plan to come- which is where you'll also indicate if you are able to bring a dessert.

Woman's Retreat

Friday, April 25 - Sunday, April 27

Ladies, we hope you can join us for an amazing weekend of fellowship, food, friends and spiritual growth at the Spring retreat.  This will be at Lincoln Lake Baptist Camp where ~100 women are expected.  If interested, click the registration link below and also put your name on the Retreat Log at the Welcome Center to let us know which day(s) you are planning to attend- so we can coordinate car pools.


Couples' Day Retreat

**  SAVE  THE  DATE  **

Ladies, looking ahead.. keep SATURDAY, SEPT. 13 open on your calendars.  The reason?  We're working on organizing a husband & wife DAY RETREAT trip to Shipshewana.  The plan is to take the church bus and fill the day from an 8am departure to a ~10pm return.  Click on the image for a bit more information regarding what's being planned.

Dorcas Women's Group

2nd Tuesday of the Month @ 9am

The Dorcas Women's group is a Missions-oriented gathering that meets on the second Tuesday each month at 9:00am in the Fellowship Hall at church.

If you would like more information, contact the church office.

Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

Colossians 1:10