See below for the upcoming key events at Alaska Baptist
(click on images for addt'l details)
Upcoming Events
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See below for the upcoming key events at Alaska Baptist
(click on images for addt'l details)
Fri, March 28: Ladies Bunco Night
Ladies, it's time again for our next opportunity to gather on Friday, March 28 at 6:30pm for a night of fun, playing Bunco! As always, there will be friendly competition (which will involve prizes) as we enjoy a time of fellowship. Signup at the Welcome Center if you plan to come- which is where you can also indicate if you're able to bring a dessert.
Tue, April 8: WMU's Spring Rally
The 94th annual SPRING RALLY of the Women's Missionary Union (WMU) is scheduled on Tue, April 8 from 9:30am-12:00pm. Ladies, we hope you can join us! The Spring Rally is a great gathering of missions-minded women who'll hear from guest missionary speakers, fellowship with (and encourage) other WMU women and learn of the various fundraising projects going on. Click on the image for more information regarding the event.
Sun, April 13: Palm Sunday
The Sunday we recall the triumphal entry into Jerusalem by Jesus and rejoice at the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy: "SAY TO THE DAUGHTER OF ZION, BEHOLD YOUR KING IS COMING TO YOU, GENTLE, AND MOUNTED ON A DONKEY.." (Matthew 21:5).
Fri, April 18: Tenebrae Service on Good Friday
The annual Good Friday evening service which, at Alaska Baptist Church, is conducted with a Tenebrae service style. We invite you to join us as we remember the sacrifice and amazing love demonstrated to us by the Lord Jesus Christ. The Good Friday evening service begins at 7pm.
Sun, April 20: EASTER SUNDAY
Starting with the outdoor 8:00am Sunrise Service, followed by the 8:30am Easter morning breakfast, it is a special schedule at Alaska Baptist Church this day. After the 8:30am breakfast we hold our traditional 9:30am Easter Morning Worship Service. We would love for you - and your family / friends - to join any one (or all) of the special Sunday celebrations.
Fri, April 25 - Sun, April 27: Women's Retreat
Ladies, we hope you can join us for an amazing weekend of fellowship, food, friends and spiritual growth at the Spring retreat. It will be held at Lincoln Lake Baptist Camp Friday, April 25 thru Sunday, April 27. If interested, click on the registration link below. Please also put your name on the Retreat Log at the Welcome Center to let us know which day(s) you are planning to attend (so we can coordinate car pools).
Sat, April 26: Men's Bowling
Men's Ministry has scheduled an outing at the Spectrum bowling complex this day for an afternoon of fun & fellowship. Men of all bowling skill levels are welcome to join us for our 1pm - 3pm event. The cost of $25/person covers two hours of bowling, food, drinks and rental shoes. Signup at the Welcome Center to let us know you'll be there.
Sun, April 27: Quarterly Business Meeting
After the morning worship service, members will meet in the auditorium during the 11:00am Sunday School hour for a quarterly business meeting. A review of the church's 1st Quarter (Jan. 1 - March 31) financial results will occur along with potentially one or two small discussion items.
Sun, April 27: Roller Skating
A combined Student Ministries and Children's Ministries roller skating event will be held this afternoon from 2pm - 5pm. This is another fundraiser event for the upcoming youth summer mission trip. All from the church are invited to take a step back into the past and join us with this fun, family-friendly outing.
Sat, May 17: Men's Breakfast
The next men's breakfast is Saturday, May 17 (as we won't meet in April on Easter weekend). Men of all ages are invited to join us for a fresh-cooked breakfast, a time of Bible study, prayer, and ..of course, connection and fellowship time with each other- which begins promptly at 8:00am.
Sat, June 21 thru Fri, June 27: Youth Summer Mission Trip
These are the dates of the summer mission trip for the students/youth of Alaska Baptist Church. They will be partnering with Restoration Ministries and a local church for an inner-city ministry experience in South Chicago. Pray for our youth (and adult leaders).. that God would use them in a great way for His glory and bless all those they interact with!