The Men's Ministry seeks to encourage and equip men to live transparent

lives before God and develop trusting relationships with each other through fellowship, Bible study and various activities.  Our desire is for each man to be challenged in their walk with the Lord Jesus to be a better husband, father, brother in Christ, mentor and/or church leader. 

Co-Ed Softball Team

Signups Occurring Now !

Contact Jason Forward or the Church Office if you have any questions.

Men's Discipleship Group

Thursdays @ 6:30pm

The winter Men's Discipleship Group continues until March 27.  The study will provide an opportunity for spiritual growth for men of all ages.  We would love to have you join us as we meet at the church Thursday evenings from 6:30pm - 8pm.

Monthly Men's Breakfast

All men are invited to our monthly Men’s Breakfast, every 3rd Saturday at 8am.  We meet for a time of food, fellowship, studying God's Word and discussion with each other, focusing on spiritual application to our lives.


a world burning

Couples' Day Retreat

**  SAVE  THE  DATE  **

Men, looking ahead.. keep SATURDAY, SEPT. 13 open on your calendars.  The reason?  We're working on organizing a husband & wife DAY RETREAT trip to Shipshewana.  The plan is to take the church bus and fill the day from an 8am departure to a ~10pm return.  Click on the image for a bit more information regarding what's being planned.

Iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another

Proverbs 27:17