Student  Ministries

Student Ministries Mission

The Alaska Baptist Church student ministry exists to partner with parents to help teens grow in the Lord, glorify God, and share the good news of Jesus Christ with others in their community as well as the world 

This is accomplished through regular teaching and preaching, small groups, one-on-one discipleship, youth activities, mission trips, and serving roles within the church and the community.


Effective January 5, Sunday Evening Youth Group start time will be 5:30pm (instead of 5pm)

Upcoming Events

  • Sun, Jan. 19- Winter Jam 2025

    The youth group will load into the church bus to attend this year's Winter Jam at the Van Andel in downtown GR.  Those who have attended the Christian music Guitar, comedy Rolling on the Floor Laughing  and stunt performances Runningevent in the past know it's a great Child  event.  The church bus will leave at 3pm and return (best guess) ~9:30pm.  The cost: $15, paid at the door.  See Mike or Amy for more info.

  • Sun, Feb. 16- Sunrise Nursing Home Visit

    Last year's event at Sunrise Nursing Home Hospital with User was a tremendous event.  Another visit will occur this day (again) around Valentine's Dayheart where we will take the church bus Bus Alt and spend time hanging out and playing games Dice  with the residents.  The plan is to be at the Nursing Home from 6pm-7pm so it will be closer to 7:30pm as the end time for this event.

  • Fri, Feb. 21 - Sun, Feb. 23- Lincoln Lake Winter Retreat

    The date is set for this year's winter Snowman retreat at Lincoln Lake Baptist Youth Camp. Campground  As the teens know, winter retreats are always fun and spiritually enriching- and they're also great for strengthening relationships among the group.  The cost is only $50/student the church's youth ministry covers the other half of the retreat registration expense.

  • Sun, April 27- Youth Led Service

    The youth will lead the morning Worship Service Cross  at Alaska Baptist Church this day.  Plan to join us as our students address the welcome/greeting Handshake, announcements bullhorn and praise music Itunes Note.  Mike Beaulieu, Student Ministries director, will present the morning message.

Student  Meetings

Students have various meetings where they are able to fellowship and grow closer to Christ.  Sunday school (Sundays 11am-11:50am) and Youth group meetings (Sundays 5:30pm-7pm) are developed to allow each student to mature in Christ.  There's a lot of laughter, games, and fun along the way and each activity encourages fellowship and friendship while equipping each student with a comprehensive knowledge of God's Word. 


Teen After Church Outings

The Teen After Church Outings involve various activities, food, fellowship and fun, provided by the student leaders & members of our congregation. They occur at varying dates and times throughout the year.  Be sure to check the calendar or with one of the youth leaders for more information.