Adult Sunday School

Sunday School is important for adults as well as children.  Our Adult Sunday School classes are essential in developing relationships with fellow members so we can support and encourage one another on a more personal level as brothers and sisters in Christ.  

The combined fellowship & teaching time also helps us acquire a more comprehensive knowledge of Scripture and supports our spiritual growth.

Adult Sunday School occurs from 11am - 11:50am on Sundays.

  • Young Adults

    Teacher:  Ben Steiner

    Location: Room L1 (downstairs) 

    Topic:  What is Truth?


    In today's world there are numerous secular views that directly conflict with the Bible.  This study is designed to help equip Christians recognize atheistic, evolutionary and postmodern views - as well as to know how to describe and defend the Christian worldview to others.

  • 2 people walking into the sunset over a rock formation


    Teacher:  Dallas Hunt

    Location: Room L19 (downstairs)

    Topic:  Old Testament

    Utilizing the Regular Baptist Press study guide The True Story of the Old Testament: Responding to God's Revelation and Redemption, we will be looking at many Old Testament scriptures that give attention to God's revelation of Himself and His plan for redemption.

  • Abundant Life

    Teachers:  Mark Dyviniak &  Ted Stewart

    Location: Room B1 (upstairs balcony)

    Topic:  Christianity, Cults & Religions

    As Christians, it's good for us to know enough about other religions to be able to recognize false teachings and know how to build bridges to help non-believers understand the gospel.  In this class, we will review and discuss the details of what (at least) two dozen other religions/cults believe.

  • Faith Builders

    Teacher:  Mitch Veldman

    Location: Auditorium

    Topic:  2 Timothy

    A study of the book of 2 Timothy- where Paul conveys to Timothy that, although hardships will come, he desires Timothy to faithfully continue to serve the Lord and carry out the things he's learned ..a message that's also applicable for us today.