Children's  Ministry

Our mission is to cultivate a safe and loving environment where Jesus Christ is glorified.  We teach children about His amazing grace and eternal salvation.  We believe that kids have the capacity to walk intimately with God and we love to see them learn about Him and connect with Him through Bible stories, songs, and crafts.

Movie Night

Friday, March 21, 6:00pm - 8:00pm

You won't want to miss the Movie Night at church where we'll be watching Homeward Bound.  This is a combined Children's Ministry & Student Ministries event.  Young ones can decorate a box or laundry basket as their car to simulate a Drive-In movie experience.  Popcorn and drinks will be provided.

Learn & Play Group

Every Wednesday,

9am-10:30 am

The weekly playgroup for young children (birth to age 5) and their parent(s) meets on Wednesdays at the church.  We would love to have you join us!


Homeschool Group

1st and 3rd Wednesdays, 11:30am-1:00pm



Vacation Bible School

July 21-25 from 6pm-8:45pm

Even though it is early in the year, we are very excited about the Vacation Bible School (VBS) program being planned for the summer.

For more information, click on the VBS image .. and if you'd like to pre-register, you can click the button below.


Train up a child in the way he should go, 
and when he is old he will not depart from it
                                     Proverbs 22:6

Sunday Mornings for kids..

Each Sunday morning we provide a safe environment for kids from age 4 through 5th grade where they can learn about Jesus and connect with each other.

Our volunteers are the heartbeat of our ministry as they lovingly care for your kids each week.  Each volunteer has taken a child safety class, as we are committed to a ministry that is safe as well as biblically relevant for the kids.

Where To Go...

Kids ages 4 to 5th grade are dismissed from the Adult service after the music worship has ended.  They go downstairs to the "Kids for Christ" area and worship there throughout the Sunday School period.  A safe and loving environment is cultivated where Jesus Christ is glorified.  The children are taught about His amazing grace and eternal salvation; we encourage them to become committed followers of Jesus Christ who will have a Godly influence on future generations.  Various activities occur including bible stories, singing, crafts, object lessons, skits, games and snacks.

Sunday School

Sunday School for children age 4 through 5th grade meets from 11:00am to 11:50am in the "Kids for Christ" area.  Each child is divided by age or grade level. They then go to their separate Sunday School rooms to enjoy age-appropriate Regular Baptist Press curriculum.

Children are a gift from the Lord

                                               Psalm 127:3