Women's Bible Study

Tuesdays @ 6:30pm

Women are invited to join the weekly Bible Study at the church on Tuesday evenings @ 6:30pm.  Study materials will be provided.  Contact Kristen Myers or the church office with any questions.

Men's Discipleship Group

Thursdays @ 6:30pm

Men are invited to join the weekly Discipleship Group on Thursday evenings @ 6:30pm.  Study materials will be provided.  Contact Ned Newhof, Mike Beaulieu or the church office with any questions- or if you would like more information.

Learn and Play Group

Wednesdays, 9am - 10:30am

The Learn & Play Group is a program offered by the church for young children (birth to age 5) and their parent(s).  Guests are welcome.  To learn more about the program, click the link below.


Homeschool Group

1st & 3rd Wednesdays @ 11:30am - 1:00pm

The Homeschool Group is another program offered by the church.  This group is for homeschooled children and their parent(s) ..with new guests always being welcome.  





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Memorial to the Unborn

A Community Memorial to the Unborn

A memorial has been donated by members and friends of Alaska Baptist Church to remember children who died during pregnancy, regardless of the circumstances.  The monument and bench exists for parents and families who have suffered the loss of a child, but do not have a particular place to remember, grieve and validate their child’s life.

Parents who would like their child’s name recorded may submit their child’s name(s) and approximate date of death to the church office at office@alaskabaptist.org.   The church is located two miles east of M-37 on 68th Street (7240 68th Street SE, Caledonia, MI) and the cemetery is next to the church.

The memorial is our gift to the community; a sacred place where families can go to remember and experience spiritual healing knowing that their child is safe in the arms of our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Regular Attendees & Members

For our regular attenders and members, click on the above link to access weekly church bulletins, prayer requests, announcements, missionaries, the church's photo directory and more..